How To Test And Improve Google Core Web Vitals For WordPress?

Core Web Vitals

Established in 2014, Google has added the new core Web Vitals metric designed to the search engine results pages (SERPs). The metric appears right below the website address and displays various vital signs that can provide valuable information about the overall performance of your website or your online business. If you’re looking to evaluate your site’s competitiveness, then this is definitely something you should look into learning more about. In this article, we’ll explain what the coreWebVitals metric designed is and how you can start implementing it on your website.


Customers are concerned with how quickly they can start connecting with a website. The Core Web Vitals metrics are specifically designed to monitor that. Currently, three types of core webvitals are offered by Google to enhance user experience.

1. Cumulative Layout Shift

2. Largest Contentful Paint

3. First Input Delay

In this article, we are going to talk about the First input Delay core web vital and explain it in detail.

First Input Delay (FID) gauges how long it takes for a user to engage with a page element (such as clicking a button or link) before the action can be processed by the user’s browser. It is one of three major metrics employed by Google to measure your page’s mobile responsiveness.

The most important of these is First Contentful Paint (FCP).

FCP shows when a user sees content for the first time, but there’s also a delay between when they tap or click something and see that content appear.

This delay is measured using First Input Delay. It shows not only if a user can interact with a site or app but whether it responds quickly enough.

How To Use First Web Vital On WordPress For A Better User Experience?

Because it involves only code, first input delay optimization is the most challenging. To ensure that the website can still react rapidly to user inputs, you should restrict intensive JavaScript execution.

If at all feasible, you should start with getting rid of extra JavaScript.

You’ll address the following Page Speed suggestions like –

1. Reduce JavaScript execution time,

2. Remove unneeded JavaScript and

3. Minimize main thread work

This Word press Rocket’s Delay JavaScript Execution feature and the Load JavaScript delayed option will help you to get rid of such issues and will help you to get a smooth response.

Regarding the LCP, you may raise your FID score by optimizing your code and pictures, utilizing server-level compression, and employing pre-connect for crucial resources.

In summary, enhancing First Input Delay might be challenging if you’re not from a developer background. You may save time and effort by using WP Rocket because of this. Google, however, offers a helpful tutorial on the more technical aspects of boosting this measure if you want to delve further.

How To Measure Your Website Performance By First Input Delay?

First Input Delay measures how quickly users can get meaningful work done on your site after they first load it. It does so by measuring input latency, which is defined as the time between when a user first sees a visual response from their action and when they can continue that action.

  • First Input Delay measures both network delays and processing delays incurred while loading page content.

  • In order to calculate First Input Delay, we first need to understand what meaningful work means in terms of web browsing: First Meaningful Paint (FMAP): FMAP measures how quickly users can start seeing meaningful content once they land on a page.

  • To calculate FMAP, we use render-tree visibility: We count nodes in the render tree that is visible within 1 second after the load event is fired.

FID Varies For Different Users

First Input Delay (FID) is a delay in milliseconds that is required for a user’s first click or tap after entering an app or after interacting with another app before further actions are accepted.

While First Input Delay does not measure engagement or session length directly, it indicates when users become frustrated by delays.

For Example,

If an interaction requires two clicks from a user’s initial entry into an app, first to select a task, then to start that task, it should take no more than 100ms for that second click to take effect.

To be considered truly instantaneous, an action should happen within 10ms of its first click.

Anything slower can cause frustration, which leads to churn. It’s important to note that First Input Delay varies for different users based on device type and operating system version users are using.


The First Input Delay (FID) metric is a Google-developed, comprehensive site performance indicator. Using First Input Delay, you can get an idea of whether a user experience is fast or slow by considering load time alone. The lower your site’s First Input Delay, the faster your pages load. For content-heavy sites that rely heavily on page views for revenue, lowering load times and increasing page views per visit will be necessary for success. By adding #CoreWebVitals metrics like First Input Delay to your site analytics tool set, you can get real insights into what’s slowing down visitors from seeing your content quickly and leaving with a positive impression of your brand and its content in front of visitors.

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